The maintenance of various independent and self-sufficient IT solutions and tools
not attuned to one another for personnel requirements planning, time recording and invoicing frequently necessitates
that exactly the same data need to be entered more than once and in different systems. Increased effort and time for
entry and in particular for maintenance are the consequences. The danger of having pools of data which diverge from
one another is immense.
Here too, exquIT GmbH chose the path towards optimised and cost-effective deployment through the use of a central tool.
The customisation of generally applicable settings in D.A.T.E is done via the module Administration. This module is
available during each installation and serves for the system-global maintenance of basic values. The type and scope
of the available functions are defined and implemented jointly with the customer.
Also worth highlighting here is the user administration which enables the differentiated granting of access rights in
accordance with company business location or department and menu item for internal users. External users (e.g. customers)
are maintained in a separate user administration with special rights administration.