The module Staff Management combines all personnel information required
within D.A.T.E. and extends the functionality up to and including personnel requirements planning. In the process,
the facility is also available for automatically managing additional personnel information, such as e.g. time-limited
qualifications or even residence and work permits.
Thanks to the transparency realised, the personnel requirements planning in particular enables foresighted personnel
development planning. Especially in the service sector, personnel are frequently being retrained or further trained.
The facility of planning this and adapting it to order situations which change at short notice is provided by D.A.T.E.
Various forms enable for instance the decentralised entry of recruitment data and the drawing up of a complete work
contract on the basis of the labour-law-related basis stored (e.g. collective bargaining agreement).
Together with the facility of creating in-depth evaluations / reports, a comprehensive personnel information system
and a user-friendly module is also available for the personnel and contract management.